HD, I don’t understand how you don’t have more likes and comments. Your writing, research, and storytelling are simply magnificent. Thank you so much. It is so wonderful to read something so enriching and that is not about another third rail political or culture war hydra.

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I enjoy your stories very much.It is a pleasure to read something not political and not "polarizing". You have taught me a lesson. My blog www.bonniebmatheson.com often gets passionate about things in the news. But I get many more comments on and off the blog for the articles that are just good stories. Because of you I think I will stick to the "stories" in the future.

Your writing and subject matter is so refreshing. It is like a cool drink on a hot day in the manner of 'Mote con Huesillos'. I subscribed after reading about the Abernathy Boys, but it was a free subscription. NOW, I am going to resubscribe and pay money! this is worth it.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by H.D. Miller

Hilarious word picture of you hiking to the top! Brought back memories of that great view over the city. Next time that we are in Santiago, I'll have to try mote con huesillos.... You make it sound like a major error not to have done so.

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